Become a Liquidity Provider to Earn Up to 30% APY in USDT, USDC or DAI

Liquidity is provided in the form of a non-transferable loan with undefined maturity and defined amount of interest receivable, subject to the funding round. This opportunity is not available to citizens or residents of the U.S.A., Canada, Seychelles, Switzerland, the U.K., Algeria, Ecuador, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Sudan, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, American Samoa, as well as to a citizen or resident of territories where such activity shall be especially licensed, accredited or regulated by other ways. You are not allowed to contribute liquidity unless your funds comply with anti-money laundering (AML) requirements. Every incoming transaction is meticulously screened with specialised AML software. Terms and conditions are explicitly defined in the Liquidity Provider Agreement.

Yield opportunities for USDC, USDT and DAI are too low

*30% APY implies 2k monthly active users (MAU) and 0.015% APY per active trader. Past performance is no guarantee of future results;
Other APY in USDT: Uniswap, Coinbase, Compound, AAVE, Curve

DXS generates higher Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and this is how

DXS Public Liquidity Pool is the first ever opportunity for retail to yield from trading losses, like big players and institutions have been doing for decades

Historically, DXS generated an APY of 0.015% per active trader for its liquidity providers, while operating in a blockchain ecosystem* limited to c. 400 active traders

*DXS is built on top of the BSV blockchain

As soon as DXS gets 2k traders to USD-backed trading, based on historical returns, c. 30% APY* is expected for the first $3.8m of capital** contributed to the liquidity pool

*30% APY implies 2k MAU with an APY of 0.015% per trader
**No more liquidity capital will be accepted until APY reaches 30%

What if you contributed $10k of liquidity?

On average you will receive $8.20* every day for 1.5 to 33.3 years subject to the funding round you invest in

*$8.20 implies 2k MAU with an APY of 0.015% per trader

This table displays the estimated APY for different MAU scenarios.
There are 27 funding rounds. All rounds have the same APY, but earlier rounds have the advantage of receiving daily return payments for a longer period

Proven business model over 2 years

Fully-featured trading app with <2.5% user churn/mo

Yield is generated by active traders on DXS

Liquidity provider payments are 3% of total trading losses generated on DXS. 'User Funnel' user numbers are from 1 January 2021 to present. 'APY generated' figure = [(avg trading loss * 3%) / avg liquidity pool size]

One of a kind liquidity pool to yield from trading stocks, forex and commodities

Chart shows historical performance of a non-stablecoin liquidity pool

Proven growth engine 'Bounty Trading' onboarded 3.6k new users in 7 days

Bounty Trading credits each new user with free trading capital

Get in an early funding round with

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Liquidity is provided in the form of a non-transferable loan with undefined maturity and defined amount of interest receivable, subject to the funding round. Terms and conditions are explicitly defined in the Liquidity Provider Agreement. Earlier contributors have the same annual yield (APY) as later rounds, but with the advantage of receiving same daily interest payments over a longer period.This debt funding instrument is not available to citizens or residents of the U.S.A., Canada, Seychelles, Switzerland, the UK, Algeria, Ecuador, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Sudan, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, American Samoa, as well as to a citizen or resident of territories where such activity shall be especially licensed, accredited or regulated by other ways.You are not allowed to contribute liquidity unless your funds comply with anti-money laundering (AML) requirements. DXS has zero-tolerance policy towards funds involved in unethical, illicit or illegal activities. Every incoming transaction is meticulously screened with specialised AML software.

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